Renewing my lost blog

Ages ago I tried some different blog sites. This is one I lost track of while continuing with Livejournal which was very easy for me to use. It seemed to me that wordpress was too busy on the interface side. It still does but in the meantime I’ve heard a lot about its functionality and am giving it another chance. My other blog at livejournal has the name I at first bestowed upon this blog: Intersections (Personal, Political, Spiritual). You can find it here:

I think for wordpress I want to focus solely on my writing as opposed to the latest political event, spiritual observation or post about my life and how it relates to those other two categories. Writing posts have certainly been a part of my other blog but interspersed with a lot of other things–even recipes. As I get closer to finishing my memoir it would be good to have a place solely devoted to samples and news about it’s publication when that day comes.


I will move a few of my writing posts over here in the next few days. I think I will start with the Homeless Odyssey.

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